
The 5 pieces of the DAO

The Factions within Project X are independent entities operating under the project's umbrella, led by their own leaders with the freedom to innovate and promote initiatives using DAO funds.

Factions play a vital role in Project X's backbone by boosting engagement, marketing efforts, and community involvement through various activities such as socials, campaigns, and product development.

Their decision-making, supported by multisig smart contracts, adds a layer of transparency and responsibility.

Funded by secondary sales and revenue platforms, subDAOs handle a wide range of responsibilities, contributing to Project X goal of becoming a leading example of community-owned projects in the web3 ecosystem, aligning with popular practices in blockchain ecosystems like Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon other community centric NFT ecosystems. These help Projects tremendously in increasing exposure, community bonds and every other part of a Project. Some examples: DeGods, Brozo, y00ts.

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